The Ultimate Guide for Moving to an Affordable Mountain Town
Brandon and I (on the right) were military guys that actually moved to the mountains. Here we are in Big Sky near Bozeman skiing with our special ladies.
Attention all military veterans and others that did different stuff for work! Are you tired of the hustle and bustle of city life? Are you over the sirens, traffic, and crime? Do you want to create a life where you’re in great shape but basically sore and fucking tired all the time from the locals dragging you around the hills? Do you long for the peace and serenity of the great outdoors? Do you want to hunt big game, ski powder, ride single track and become a mountain beast?! Of course you fucking do!
Well, have no fear because the ultimate guide to moving to an affordable mountain town after the military (or some other job) is here! Whether you're a skiing enthusiast, a hunter, a moto-head, a climber, or a hiking fanatic, we've got you covered with all the tips and tricks you need to find the perfect mountain town for you. Maybe you’re none of those things yet, but you want to be! From the breathtaking beauty of Montana to the cultural charm of New Mexico, and the high peaks of Colorado, this guide will help you navigate the winding roads and narrow trails to find the perfect place to call home. So grab your boots, ski poles, and those willing to go down this rabbit hole with you.
I spent twenty years in the military and was a mountain person at heart since I was a little kid. Spending summers with my grandpa in Washington State lit the spark. I didn't get much time in the mountains while I was in the military, but one thing was for sure, I was going to move there at some point! I spent hundreds of hours fantasizing about the mountains, reading Powder magazine and Rock and Ice to fuel the stoke. I moved to Sun Valley, ID, in 2013, when it was relatively affordable. It’s not anymore, so that’s my disclaimer on my experience. I would not try to move there if I was getting out of the military now. In the following paragraphs, I’ll describe mountain living as I experienced it in Sun Valley, ID. It’s a snapshot of living in an expensive town, but don’t worry. The towns I suggest are much more reasonable, and you won’t find all the roadblocks I discuss, just some. I included them so you get a 30k' view of what mountain life can be like. Every town is different, but there are patterns for sure.

Our duplex in Ketchum, ID.
Since we’re not talking about living in the posh resort areas, the doors open much broader. I am not a financial advisor or real estate agent, so take this with a grain of salt, but I believe in getting on the real estate ladder as a strategic wealth-building tool. I know a lot of folks in mountain towns that never buy a house when they can afford it, and they get to a point where they get passed up by rising prices and can't find a way to get on the ladder. Many eventually are forced to leave as rents rise, and they get priced out. The same thing can happen with property taxes, so that's another thing to consider when purchasing. I recommend renting a place first, not permanently, so you know exactly where you want to live in the town unless you really know the area. If your VA loan is tied up in another property, that’s fine until you’re ready to buy. When you are prepared to pull the trigger on a home, having that VA loan as an option is a great ace up your sleeve, so you may need to refi the property, it’s tied up in, or sell it so it’s available to you. It may make the difference between being able to buy in the mountains or not. I used my VA loan to purchase half of a duplex in Sun Valley, then sold it in 2021, freed it up again, and used it to buy in Ouray. Do a deep dive into your finances a year or two before you commit. Get your financial house and credit score to be in a strong position. You don’t need to buy the dream mountain home you saw in Sotheby's magazine out of the gates. Purchasing a “stair step” property is a great call.
The dream house is at the top of the staircase, but you can start lower and work towards it systematically. You buy something affordable that’s easy on your cash flow until you get established and generate more income. Before I moved to a mountain town, I was convinced I should move as close to the ski hill as possible, but then I changed my mind. In my opinion, the peace and quiet of the communities around the area are a better long-term spot than living in a ski-in ski-out condo by the lift. Sounds crazy, but that’s what I learned. You don’t always want to deal with resort traffic, taxes, and a lack of long-term neighbors. Hence why renting at first can be a great idea unless there’s an opportunity you can’t pass up.
Kids love mountain towns, mostly.
Living with kids in the mountains can be fantastic for them and you. They are generally very active because that’s the culture. Some of my best friends in Sun Valley have kids, and they spend a lot of time outside. They still play video games, but it’s not all-consuming. They want to be out because it’s impressive and generally safer than urban and suburban areas. One thing to watch for is the other kids from affluent families. They have more money, which can equal easy access to coke and worse. It’s not hugely different from any other town, just that the concentration of wealth tends to be greater in mountain towns.
Single People:
If you’re single with no attachments, just drive to the mountains and start living there. Sleep in your 4-runner for a while until you find some roommates. You’ll be fine, until you meet someone that wants more and isn't as dedicated to the hashtag vanlife as you are. Then it gets complicated. So just meet someone that loves the mountains and lifestyle choices as much as you do. There’s a saying in mountain towns, “you don’t lose your guy or girl, just your turn.”
Banksy, London. Fitting in this post . Took this photo a few years back, when I couldn't wait to move to the mountains, but didn't know how!
Mental Game:
Ski patrol getting ready for another kick-ass day in Ketchum, ID.
You will have to figure out how to relax in your downtime. I’m serious. It can be more challenging than you think to adjust to this lifestyle. Some will find it very tough, and others won’t have much of an issue. Relaxing for me was getting after it most days a week for a few hours in the hills. If you’re moving with a family or significant other, care for each other more than ever. You’ve landed in a new life, so staying connected, loving each other, and finding activities you can enjoy together is imperative. If one of you feels intimidated by all the crazy mountain activities, take it slow and ease your way into new experiences. The locals will likely be better than you at everything, so don’t put yourself at risk like I did trying to keep up. In my second year skiing, I was invited on a backcountry yurt trip up in the Sawtooth mountains. I wanted to be accepted into a group of excellent skiers. The trip leader was Zach Crist, a former US Ski Team member and owner of Sun Valley Guides. I fell in a no-fall zone and tomahawked 700’ down a mountainside, destroying my right ACL and adding two respectable meniscus tears. Zach skied right next to me, trying to stop my uncontrollability because that’s who he was, until I stopped in a small cluster of trees before going over a rock band. I’m saying take your time gaining the skills you need to survive. Educate yourself on the gear required to tackle each type of objective. It could be Mtn biking, skiing, hunting at 11k’ etc. Go slowly and stay alive because the mountains don’t give a shit about us or our goals.
For my military friends, especially the combat vets, you will likely find a great new life in the mountains! If you have PTS and/or TBI, as I did, you will find more peace here than in a big city with the traffic, noise, crime, and stress.Challenges:
The thing I sweated the most before retiring from the military was figuring out where I could actually afford to live. You can't live on a military retirement in a mountain town unless you just “hashtag van life” your way around until the family snaps and demands a solid roof over their heads. I was making the mistake of only looking at famous towns like Jackson Hole, Telluride, Aspen, Lake Tahoe, etc. I would look at home prices and the cost of living and get depressed. The famous towns are way too fucking expensive, but there’s an upside. You likely won’t want to live there anyway! Why? Besides the cost, it’s the people. Not the locals. It’s the super-wealthy second homeowners you may find challenging to relate to. Their mc-mansions sit empty eleven months out of the year. They live in Palo Alto, Manhattan, Seattle, etc. You never get to know them because they don't live there. You will see entire streets of second homes that sit eerily empty all year; at Christmas, there are people there, then it’s back to the empty feel the first week in January. There’s no community. It feels soulless because it is. They don’t have kids there for your kids to hang with. These are generalizations but accurate enough to give you the lowdown.
I have local friends in Sun Valley who rip on skis, mountain bikes, moto, climbing, etc. On the other hand, second homeowners generally won’t climb, hunt the high country, and ski couloirs with you. I found having a meaningful friendships with them challenging because we are very different animals, but are generally great folks. They won’t be in your circle because they are never there, but there are always exceptions, of course.
On the other hand, the locals can often afford to live there because they were grandfathered in. They or their parents purchased property before the prices got ridiculous. Don’t get discouraged when you see regular people living there with regular jobs. They likely have been there a long time and have that advantage. You won’t have that.
Like you, I don’t come from money, and the prices I was seeing before moving to the mountains were fucking ridiculous. I learned later to look at suitable towns and stop doom-scrolling prices in Jackson. I kept believing it was possible, but I didn't know how to make it happen. I tried to give up on the dream and stop torturing myself, but I kept returning to it.
Moving to a mountain town can be quite an adventure, but it can be challenging. Families, in particular, may face some unique struggles. Do they want to live in a mountain town? Well, let me rephrase that. Do they think they want to? I say that because the idea of living in a small town is attractive and carries a simple and romantic feel that is alluring. The reality is somewhat different when you’re actually there. For one, the isolation that comes with living in a small, remote town can be difficult, especially for those used to the fast pace of city life. Uprooting kids from their school and friend group can be a big deal! The younger the kids are, the easier it is generally. However, trying to pry a teenager away from where they grew up may become a minor skirmish, especially if they have a serious girlfriend or boyfriend.
Restaurants often close earlier than you're used to. You may be unable to hit a diner at 10 pm because everything closes earlier than you are used to. Unless you're looking at Bozeman or a larger town with just about everything, there are likely fewer amenities across the board. Additionally, job opportunities may be limited, making finding work that pays well enough to support a family difficult. Housing can also be challenging, as the cost of living in even modest mountain towns can be pretty high, and affordable rental properties may be hard to come by. Schools may also be limited, and the quality of education varies a lot. Finally, access to healthcare and other essential services may be limited, and it may be necessary to travel long distances to find the care you need. This is a crucial point if you or your partner need special medical care for previous injuries.
Here is what I have seen happen quite a few times when a family moves to a mountain town. The honeymoon phase after moving in lasts just long enough to get settled and make a couple friends. You get the kids in school and start ripping it up skiing, hunting, climbing, fishing…whatever. Usually, one of you is more into the mountains than the other, and how you enjoy the environment can be very different. An idea of mountain living for one of you may be skiing 100+ days a year, mountain biking, hunting, climbing, etc. For the other, it may be a more chill approach. Playing golf, photography, or going to the spa. What can happen is a drifting apart with the activities. If one doesn't ski or snowboard, but the other goes all the time, it can become a friction point. These things are all workable if the less enthusiastic partner finds their people and activities. Having honest conversations and even writing down the benefits and disadvantages of the towns you are considering is essential. Don’t skip this part. Letting everyone in the family have their say and voice their opinion is vital. This way, concerns can be addressed and possibly neutralized.
Photo from my first tail guiding trip with San Juan Mtn Guides, 2023.
Living in a mountain town is like being on a permanent vacation. I've been in the mountains for ten years, and it NEVER gets old! First, the air is fresher than you're probably used to. You can take a deep breath and actually feel your lungs thanking you.
If the kids and your partner know they are moving to a kick-ass town where they can do all these activities, it might be an easy sell!
And let's not forget the view. The panoramic views are breathtaking, and I don't mean that in the "I need to sit down and catch my breath" kind of way. I'm talking about the "I can't believe my eyes; it's like living in a postcard" way. No BS.
Plus, you can forget about boring old flat terrain because, in a mountain town, you can exercise while enjoying a beautiful hike, ripping single track on your moto, or skiing blower powder. And let's not forget the winter wonderland vibes, where everything is often coated in snow. Christmas in a mountain town is unbeatable because it looks, smells, and feels like Christmas is supposed to. And last but not least, the people. You may notice that people there are in excellent shape, on average. When I first got on ski patrol in Sun Valley, ID, several patrollers were over seventy years old, and they had decent abs! Fucking abs, and they skied relentlessly, outworking the young guns by far! I saw these crusty mountain crushers and immediately said, "I want to be just like that when I'm seventy!" We are the average of the five people we invest the most time with, so choose wisely and change your situation if necessary.
When I left Virginia Beach in 2013 and drove west to Idaho, I was happy to be changing how I spent my time. Back on the beach, the culture we had gotten used to was basically eating and drinking all the fucking time. Almost everyone I knew was overweight, me included, and I was embarrassed. Sure, many of us dealt with severe injuries that made staying in shape much more challenging, but I didn't care about my excuses. Mountain people are generally in excellent condition, and you will get there. It's almost automatic. The culture directs you to that path. In the first year of moving to the mountains, I lost 15 lbs without trying to lose weight. Also, some of these towns are zoned, so they don't have fast food to get fat off of. Between skiing, climbing, riding dirtbikes, and running, I got into shape by hanging out with active people and getting after it. I love the lifestyle to my core and always will!
Further unsolicited advice:
Hit this link and read "Twitching With Twight" if you want a kick in the ass to change the life that you've grown weary of. Beware because I showed this to some Naval Academy cadets who hated their life path. After reading it, they fucking dropped out, went to BUD/S, and became Navy SEALs! They all made it, thankfully.
My first job out of the military working for Alpine Tree Service in Ketchum, ID.
Some of you may have a monthly retirement check from the military or other sources to soften the blow every month? That’s great, but you’ll likely need another career. Don’t worry about landing your dream job in the mountains immediately if that door hasn't opened yet. It’s ok to find a position to get some income flowing and then advance your way up the ladder or find a better fit later in another occupation.
My first job in Sun Valley was working on a tree crew running saws and driving a 30-ton crane for $20 an hour. I loved it, as I was in my element being outside. I had an actual desk during my last year in the military, and it wasn’t a good fit. I did Ski Patrol full-time for three years but only made $13/hr, and you can’t live on just that. Many Ski Patrols are now starting at $15/hr so there's been a slight improvement but not enough to afford living expenses. I started Thirty Seconds Out as a side hustle to keep living there, which helped a lot.
Forget about being a ski lift operator, barista, ski tuner shop guy, Ski Patrol, etc. Those jobs generally don’t pay shit and will leave you frustrated. You can make it if you decide to have two or three low-paying jobs, but there's an opportunity cost. You will be working all the time to afford to live there. You’ll be working when everyone else seems to be grabbing the first chair after a 20” snow storm, and you’ll be pulling your hair out serving mocha-frappo-chino-glutenfree-lattes to people in their snow sliding gear heading up the hill. If you have a partner, they may need to secure employment as well. Contract work is one way for military people to make a life there. The downside is you’re gone much of the year, and unless your partner is super stoked about mountain life, they may get worn out. Life will be similar to what you both went through in the military and what you are trying to get away from. I let my TS-SCI clearance lapse to burn that bridge. I purposely cut myself off from that option. I wanted to avoid contracting because, eventually, you have to start a new career away from that scene, and doing it sooner than later in life was the right move for me and my goals. Yours may be different, and that’s completely fine.
Here are a few affordable mountain towns. I used Zillow to get the cost of housing and google maps for the distance to the slopes from the town center. Population numbers are from the United States Census Bureau's latest estimate in 2020. You will get a snapshot of each area so you can dive deep on promising ones.
Let's get to it!
Montrose, CO: It's a ranching community that is going through a transition. Younger people are moving there because of its proximity to big mountains and lower costs. It’s just north of the glorious peaks of the San Juan Mountains and perfect for those who enjoy outdoor activities like hunting, hiking, skiing, biking, rock/ice climbing and mountaineering. It's affordable so you won't have to sell your soul to afford a house here, but it's being discovered and revitalized. We bought our building in the old downtown section where our warehouse and retail space is located.
- Altitude: 5,800’
- Population: 20k
- AVG Home Price in 2023: $417k
- Median Rent in 2023: $1,900/mo
- Closest Ski Area: Telluride
- Drive time to Telluride Ski Resort: 1 hr 20 min
- Nearest Major Airport: Montrose Regional
- VA Hospital: Montrose VA Clinic
- Major Employers: Montrose Memorial Hospital, Montrose County School District, City of Montrose, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, and Montrose County government, Thirty Seconds Out Apparel (we might be hiring).
Laramie, WY: This town is home to the University of Wyoming and has a unique mix of culture and outdoor recreation. You can spend your mornings hiking or skiing and your afternoons attending lectures. Just watch out for the cowboys! Considered the most hipster town in Wyoming.
- Altitude: 7,165’
- Population: 32K
- AVG Home Price in 2023: $340k
- Median Rent in 2023: $999/mo
- Closest Ski Area: Snowy Ridge
- Drive time to Snowy Ridge Ski Resort: 45 min
- Nearest Major Airport: Denver International
- VA Hospital: Cheyenne VA Medical Center
- Major Employers: University of Wyoming, Albany County School District #1, Ivinson Memorial Hospital, Walmart, and Laramie Plains Federal Credit Union.
- Altitude: 6,969’
- Population: 5,712
- AVG Home Price in 2023: $400k
- Median Rent in 2023: $1,800/mo
- Closest Ski Area: Taos
- Drive time to Taos Ski Resort: 30 min
- Nearest Major Airport: Santa Fe Regional
- VA Hospital: Albuquerque, NM
- Major Employers: Taos Health Systems, Taos Municipal Schools, Taos County, and Taos Ski Valley.
Asheville, NC: A lively city located in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Asheville is perfect for those who love music, art, and craft beer. Mountain biking, rock climbing and river sports are popular here.
- Altitude: 2,134’
- Population: 96K
- AVG Home Price in 2023: $442k
- Median Rent in 2023: $2,295/mo
- Closest Ski Area: Wolf Ridge Ski Resort
- Drive time to Wolf Ridge Ski Resort: 40 min
- Nearest Major Airport: Asheville Regional Airport
- VA Hospital: Asheville, NC
- Major Employers: Mission Health System, Buncombe County Schools, Biltmore Company, Eaton Corporation, and Ingles Markets.
Gunnison, CO: This town is surrounded by breathtaking scenery and offers plenty of outdoor recreation opportunities. Crested Butte ski area is close by, so you will have enough ‘no-fall’ extreme terrain to keep you engaged.
- Altitude: 7,703’
- Population: 6k
- AVG Home Price in 2023: $522k
- Median Rent in 2023: $2,500/mo
- Closest Ski Area: Crested Butte
- Drive time to Crested Butte Ski Resort: 40 min
- Nearest Major Airport: Gunnison-Crested Butte Regional
- VA Hospital: Grand Junction VA Medical Center
- Major Employers: Western Colorado University, Gunnison Valley Health, Gunnison Watershed School District, and Gunnison County government.
Durango, CO: Located in southwestern Colorado, Durango is known for its Wild West history and outdoor adventures. Durango is close to two ski areas, Purgatory and if you’re an experienced snow slider, Silverton Mountain! You might even spot a few cowboys riding horses down Main Street.
- Altitude: 6,512’
- Population: 21K
- AVG Home Price in 2023: $567k
- Median Rent in 2023: $2,100/mo
- Closest Ski Area: Purgatory
- Drive time to Purgatory Ski Resort: 35 min
- Nearest Major Airport: Durango-La Plata County Airport
- VA Hospital: Albuquerque, NM
- Major Employers: Mercy Regional Medical Center, Fort Lewis College, Durango School District 9-R, Animas Surgical Hospital, and La Plata County government.
Bozeman, MT: Nestled in the Rocky Mountains, Bozeman is a paradise for those who love hunting, skiing, climbing and fishing. The ski areas close by are Big Sky and Bridger Bowl. It is also home to Montana State University, where they have a strong veteran student presence and they build things for NASA. You can finally start that fly-fishing business you've always dreamed of. Hipster scale 5/10.
- Altitude: 4,820’
- Population: 51K
- AVG Home Price in 2023: $647k
- Median Rent in 2023: $2,700/mo
- Closest Ski Area: Bridger Bowl
- Drive time to Bridger Bowl Ski Resort: 30 min
- Nearest Major Airport: Bozeman Yellowstone International
- VA Hospital: Bozeman, MT
- Major Employers: Montana State University, Bozeman Health, Bozeman School District, Oracle, and Simms Fishing Products.
Salida, CO: This town is located in the heart of the Rocky Mountains and offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor adventures like whitewater rafting and mountain biking.
- Altitude: 7,083’
- Population: 5,926
- AVG Home Price in 2023: $651k
- Median Rent in 2023: $2,200/mo
- Closest Ski Area: Monarch
- Drive time to Monarch Ski Resort: 30 min
- Nearest Major Airport: Gunnison-Crested Butte Regional
- VA Clinic: Salida VA Clinic
- Major Employers: Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center, Salida School District R-32-J, Chaffee County government, Walmart, and Safeway.
Sandpoint, ID: A charming town located in northern Idaho, Sandpoint is known for its stunning lake and mountain views. It's so affordable that you can finally afford that yacht you've always wanted, even if it's just a dinghy.
- Altitude: 2,065’
- Population: 8,946
- AVG Home Price in 2023: $473k
- Median Rent in 2023: $1,800/mo
- Closest Ski Area: Schweitzer
- Drive time to Schweitzer Ski Resort: 25 min
- Nearest Major Airport: Spokane International
- VA Hospital: Cheyenne VA Medical Center
- Major Employers: Bonner General Health, Lake Pend Oreille School District, Schweitzer Mountain Resort, Litehouse Foods, and Quest Aircraft.
Brevard, NC: This town is located in western North Carolina and is surrounded by stunning forests and waterfalls. It's so affordable that you can finally start that treehouse building business you've always dreamed of.
- Altitude: 2,231’
- Population: 7,944K
- AVG Home Price in 2023: $371k
- Median Rent in 2023: $1,400/mo
- Closest Ski Area: Wolf Ridge Ski Resort
- Drive time to Wolf Ridge Ski Resort: 1 hr 20 min
- Nearest Major Airport: Asheville Regional Airport
- VA Hospital: Asheville, NC
- Major Employers: Transylvania Regional Hospital, Brevard College, Brevard Music Center, Comporium Communications, and Walmart.
Whitefish, MT: A picturesque town located in Montana, Whitefish is perfect for those who love skiing, hiking, and lake activities. It's so affordable that you might even ugh money left over to buy a ski resort.
- Altitude: 3,028’
- Population: 7,044K
- AVG Home Price in 2023: $657k
- Median Rent in 2023: $2,200/mo
- Closest Ski Area: Whitefish Mountain Resort
- Drive time to Telluride Ski Resort: 20 min
- Nearest Major Airport: Glacier Park International
- VA Hospital: Cheyenne VA Medical Center
- Major Employers: Whitefish Mountain Resort, North Valley Hospital, Whitefish School District, Montana Coffee Traders, and Stumptown Art Studio.
McCall, ID: Nestled in the mountains of Idaho, McCall is a paradise for those who love outdoor recreation. Hunting here is very good and the ski area is great. The lake provides some great summer activities.
- Altitude: 5,021’
- Population: 3,426’
- AVG Home Price in 2023: $512k
- Median Rent in 2023: $1,800/mo
- Closest Ski Area: Brundage
- Drive time to Telluride Ski Resort: 20 min
- Nearest Major Airport: Boise Airport
- VA Hospital: Boise VA Medical Center
- Major Employers: St. Luke's McCall Medical Center, McCall-Donnelly School District #421, Idaho First Bank, Albertsons, and Shore Lodge.
This was a fun project! Please add your suggestions for other towns in the comments. It's likely someone will get some value from your experiences as well. If you're on the fence about making your move to the mountains, hopefully this gave you some new ideas and perspectives. If you have questions on this, hit me up and I'll be happy to shoot the shit with you about mountain living!
When Colorado sucks completely (west slope gets runout)
Don’t forget Utah so much ski rock and ice and other activities.
Would love to see more SOF coming here like Missoula and Ravali county get.
I enjoyed your synopsis and I am glad you are living your dream (again). I was BUD/S class 87 so that makes me 71, and I am one of those guys with abs. Earlier in life I spent 20 years in the mountains of Colorado, Utah and California so I get the allure. Better late than never, I say to the newcomers. For all the guys with families, I suppose stateside mountain towns are the way to go; but for the single guys, hardcore oriented, overseas mountain towns have a zillion more affordable and radical options. I won’t list them all here, as you did, because with the advent of the internet all the amazing places around the world have been trampled with money people and posers. I lived in a beach house in Thailand for $200/month, a ski villa in Grenoble for $400/month, a log cabin at Snowbird for $525/month and a stone house in the Highlands of Scotland for free. But I digress. Thank you for your service and for all that you do. Just keep the good news to your circle of friends that are already there! Just saying, bro.
Great article, I had looked into moving to the Colorado mountains about 28 yrs ago when I was young, broke, and with two young kids. Wish I’d made it a reality back then, god things were so much cheaper then…but I was again, young, broke, and with two young kids. I have visited a couple times for some solo hiking adventures though !